Chinese company increases its electric bus exports to Chile


Spanish >> Economy

Updated 06/07/2018 – 14:05


BEIJING, July 6 (Xinhua) – Chinese automaker BYD recently signed an agreement with According to the website, 100 K9FE electric buses will be delivered to the METBUS bus operator in Santiago de Chile until November 2009. The K9FE model is equipped with the most advanced BYD battery, which holds 250 kilometers per charge. Specially designed for the Chilean market, it has been compliant with the standards of the local transportation bureau and has passed the official evaluation, according to the source.

The operating costs per kilometer of BYD electric buses total about 70 pesos (0.77 yuan), 70% less than conventional buses. Currently, more than 35,000 BYD electric buses operate in many cities around the world.

The Chinese company delivered the first electric bus delivery to Santiago in cooperation with the Italian company ENEL, the third largest electricity company in the world. the transition to electric transport in Chile, according to the same source.

BYD electric buses have gained favor with the market, since the use of an electric bus reduces the emissions of the equivalent of 33 cars that consume derivatives in addition to offering more comfortable services to citizens.

The signing of the agreement places Chile in the vanguard of Latin America and the Caribbean in the field of public transport electrification and is an example of a transition. The energy of public transport for the region, according to the article.

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