More pejistas than El Peje


Surpassed "the day after" we discover that everything takes a "normal" tone: we are a more mature society than we thought. In the midst of the euphoria of Andrés Manuel López Obrador's triumph and huge expectations placed on his future government, those who elected him and those who have not found a healthy intermediary of pragmatism and realism imposed by politics.

Everyone sees it as they prefer: "businessmen join the transition of AMLO" or "AMLO moderates before entrepreneurs"; "Peña sits in front of the winner" or "The triumphant candidate praises Peña and shows him his respect". But if we see it better, all that is said is real at once: prudence and civility have prevailed in the dialogue between the main political and economic actors.

Is this bad? Of course not. Only a disturbed would have preferred that the speech of López Obrador, the night of his victory, was hard and threatening for domestic and foreign companies, the negotiation of the FTA or the democratic freedoms.

Many of us regret that in this speech the recognition of the democratic life we ​​have achieved regardless of its victory is absent. The country did not democratize on July 2 thanks to its triumph, but it was imposed thanks to the strength of the democratic institutions of the country that respect and respect the will of the majority of voters.

However, despite this absence, in the days that followed, López Obrador was able to show his best institutional profile, the one that seemed impossible after having made so many invectives against the authorities and actors of the public life that they n & # 39; They simply did not negotiate at his moment for his triumph. I think, for example, at the National Electoral Institute, whose members have sometimes been referred to as "Achichincles of power".

It is not easy to contain and moderate an electoral mechanism composed of all kinds of alliances and interests. maximum power to achieve the result obtained at polling stations. In doing so, López Obrador cleverly responds to the demand of society that the changes that must take place occur in peace, with order and respect for institutions and legality.

And at this point, of course, there is no shortage of those who are now more pejist than El Peje: those who are waiting for him now assumes, as president elected, all radicalism against "elites" and "mafia of power". "Involved in his election campaign, and dreaming that he will be more clearly screened after he officially takes office."

I illustrate the above in the article by Jorge Zepeda Patterson ( El País 5- VII-2018) in which, despite the fact that AMLO realized at the beginning of the day "reverse the nervousness of these powers" says "there are reasons to worry" because "in the coming months there will be an elite load to welcome the new president to arms open, hoping to maintain the state of affairs that privileges them. "

The same author expects AMLO that" in his eagerness not to upset Peña Nieto and his circles, In the mainstream media, with the De facto powers that will now align in the besamas, do not end up diluting the mandate of change that they have received from citizens. " Zepeda knows – even though at the time it did not displease him much – that López Obrador "has already shown signs during the campaign of forgiveness that extends to the corrupt simply by going to his side"; now he hopes that it will not happen "with the political class and elites who have been repudiated by the voters."

The truth is that Zepeda and many of Manuel's most inflexible proponents have something to worry about. The audio and video of the early days of the elected president of AMLO do not verify them, as they assume that the massive vote obtained by Morena on July 1 should be an extension of a profound transformation, virtually Revolutionary, that López Obrador should announce the day with I fear however that the reality of politics – and its despicable instruments : negotiation, alliances, agreements, et cetera. – It's imposed from now on. And maybe that suits the "mafia of power", but also the elected president and, above all, the society as a whole, which does not expect major upheavals.

For now, I do not see in the next cabinet the paladins who will be responsible for burying the elites responsible for the "national disaster" or making a change of course of 180 degrees. I do not see them anywhere. As things progress, and although there is a lot of doubt about what lies ahead with the Lopez government, I can not imagine any shaky gesture or action.

And AMLO will do well to stay as he has done until now. Because what I think we all hope is that, of course, fight corruption, benefit those who have less, put an end to insecurity and grow the country; but if it succeeds, we do not want it to dismantle or spoil what works, let alone that it subjects us to an internal political confrontation like that which other Latin American countries have known and which has had very high political and economic costs.

In the middle of the rude catcatcher scene, I'm not afraid that AMLO will continue to incorporate many defectors from the PRI or PAN, but will eventually pay attention to its most enthusiastic followers with the change radical, those who want to be more pejistas than El Peje.

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