Instagram: Edison Flores Presumes Physical Work During a Trip to Aruba | VIDEO | Trade | Total sports


The gym and the strict diet give results. This is demonstrated by the videos shared Friday by the midfielder of the Peruvian football team Edison Flores in Instagram .

During her well-deserved vacation in Aruba, Ana Siucho – the midfielder who plays in Danish football – recorded it while sunbathing and leaving the sea.

Recordings quickly generated several comments in Instagram where the popular 'Orejitas & # 39; has nearly 700,000 subscribers.

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<p id= Edison Flores in Aruba (Video: Instagram)

Being one of the most charismatic and beloved players of the Peruvian football team – but also the youngest – Edison Flores

The midfielder has been starting in all of Peru's matches at the 2018 World Cup in Russia and has contributed with good passes to equipment put together by Ricardo Gareca. [19659008ItisnotknowniftheplayeremergedatDeporteswillsignwithanotherteamforthefollowingseason

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