Facundo González: "Paloma Fiuza was my first girlfriend" | VIDEO | It's the war | "Choca" Mandros | Shows


Hard to believe, but a hundred. Facundo González was recently interviewed by "Choca" Mandros in the program "You are in all" and his remarks were discussed on social networks.

It turns out that in this interview, the deputy of Esto es Guerra finally confessed that the Garota Paloma Fiuza is his first lover.

You can see EEG: Facundo González says "silly" to Paloma Fiuza and she answers him [VIDEO]

"Paloma ( Fiuza ) is my first girlfriend When I saw a girl that I liked a little more than normal, I ran there, "revealed Facundo González to" Choca "Mandros

" Nobody will not handle the program for me, "I came", "where are you" and that's why I was still single, and that's why I'm m & # 39; "Hear so well with Paloma, because it's not heavy," added the Argentinian.

Do you believe his statements? Here is the interview of Facundo González.

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