Jorge Sampaoli will continue in the Argentine team | AFA | Trade | World


Jorge Sampaoli will continue in the selection Argentina . After an intense conversation with the directors of the AFA, the 'Little Man & # 39; managed to stay on the bench of Albiceleste.

In the morning, Jorge Sampaoli met Claudio Tapia (president of AFA) and Daniel Angelici (vice president of AFA) to discuss their future in the Argentine selection .

The managers mentioned wanted Jorge Sampaoli to step down. the selection argentina but this one struggled to stay in the field of Ezeiza

After an intense hour of discussion, it was decided that the future of Jorge Sampaoli in the ] Argentine Selection to be evaluated by the Executive Committee of the AFA

At this time of analysis, Jorge Sampaoli can not stay arms crossed. For this reason, he will work with the Argentine selection under-20 until the end of the Alcudia Tournament (late July).

Jorge Sampaoli took charge of the Argentine team in the last qualifying section of Russia in 2018. He took Albiceleste to the World Cup, managed to overcome the group phase with anguish and returned home after falling in France in the last 16 (4-3).

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