Michael Jackson underwent chemical castration


Michael Jackson died nine years ago but can not rest in peace.

It now turns out that Conrad Murray, who was his private doctor – and the same one who was accused of giving him the drugs that caused his death – revealed that the so-called "king of the Pop "was" chemically castrated "by order of his father, Joe Jackson, so that he did not lose his characteristic high-pitched voice.

The Sun newspaper published these statements of the doctor, who has just served his prison term for manslaughter, a few weeks after the death of the singer's father. "Michael knew only about bad treatment from his father.I do not have words to describe the horror of someone who cheats on his son for that." do not lose his shrill voice, "said the doctor to the British newspaper

Secret to voice?

In fact, Michael Jackson himself he had spoken on more than one occasion of the physical punishments that Joe Jackson had inflicted on his children, although he had never mentioned chemical castration.

However, in 2016, Conrad Murray had already advanced it in the biography that he was publishing on the "King of Pop" More specifically, the doctor stated in the book entitled: This Is It! The Secret Life of Dr. Conrad Murray and Michael Jackson that his client had received from injections of hormones to prevent his voice from becoming more serious.

After hearing this information, several media recalled episodes that affirmed the same thing; one of them dates from 2011, when French doctors and scientists said that the secret of the voice of the singer of "Thriller", "Billy Jean", among other songs, was due to castration between 12 and 20 years old.

With the recent death of Joe Jackson, who was also buried in the same cemetery as his son in Los Angeles, they recalled not only the distancing of the "King of Pop" with his father, but the mistreatment of the Jacksons Five, original family group, as well as the charges of La Toya Jackson, who in 1991 stated that his father had mistreated him.

Michael Jackson died at the age of 50 years of age from a drug overdose. However, several years earlier, he had revealed in an interview with Oprah Winfrey that he had been the victim of physical and verbal abuse by Joe.

Conrad Murray was sentenced to four years in jail for manslaughter after the singer's death on June 29, 2009. The death was due to intoxication with painkillers.

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