Thailand: Paul Pogba dedicates the qualification of France to the final for rescued children | Russia 2018 | World | Sports


France is the first team ranked in the final of Russia 2018 the & # 39; Blues & # 39; beat Belgium 1-0 in an exciting match where both showed their power. But, just as the world was waiting for the biggest football tournament, the rescue of Tham Luang caves in Thailand, where 12 children and one adult were trapped, was also recovered.

The football team had to endure the hostility of the caves for more than 15 days, since June 23 they have not seen the light of day and over the days the operation Safeguarding has become increasingly difficult because of the complexity of weather and geography, conditioned by the monsoon rains that could flood the cavity in which the thirteen victims were. Fortunately, everyone was able to leave thanks to a group of experienced divers who had international support.

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After experiencing the good news of the success of the operation and the good health of all concerned, the French Paul Pogba devoted a message to them on his Twitter account where he called them hero and dedicated to them the triumph.

"This victory goes for the heroes of the day, bravo guys, you are very strong," the midfielder wrote on the aforementioned social network.

Similarly, on social networks, it could be read that other players have talked about the wonderful rescue and strength of children, as it is the case of the Spanish Sergio Ramos who congratulated the rescuers placed a caricature image of them.

"Very happy for the" wild boars "and for the enormous human work that made the rescue possible," wrote the player of Real Madrid .

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