GOP lawmakers threaten FBI agent Peter Strzok with contempt for refusing to answer questions about the Mueller probe


Republicans fought with FBI agent Peter Strzok as early as the first issue during a hearing Thursday on politically charged investigations, threatening him with a scorn quote for refusing, under the direction of an FBI lawyer, to answer questions. Russian interference in the election of 2016.

Strzok, who was the chief investigator of the FBI on Hillary Clinton and the Trump campaign and who is now the subject of an investigation Conduct Review, was questioned by Representative Trey Gowdy (RS.C.), Chair of the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, how many people he interviewed during the first week of the probe Russian in the summer of 2016.

"I do not go, according to the FBI leadership … answer this question, because it touches on issues related to ongoing investigations conducted by the office of the special adviser Replied Mr. Strzok at a joint hearing of the Judiciary and Oversight Committees

Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Chair of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives, intervened, Threatening quote Strzok for contempt of court if he does not respond not to the question

. Strzok, you are under subpoena and are required to answer the question, "Goodlatte says.

Democrats immediately challenged Goodlatte, accusing him of treating Strzok unfairly and unsuccessfully seeking to adjourn the hearing. [19659007FBIagentPeterStrzokarrivesforanincamerahearingonJune27beforetheHouseJudiciaryCommittee(MandelNgan/AFP/GettyImages)InopeningthehearingGoodlattesaidthatStrzokandD&#s39otherseniorFBIofficials"haveoverthrownourjusticesystemandthat'swhywearehereandwhyitmatters"[19659009] Democratic candidate Jerrold Nadler (NY) urged Republicans not to use Strzok's audience to attack special adviser Robert S. Mueller III

"I know the majority wants a fight with Mr. Strzok today. ", Nadler said." Leave the special council alone to do its job. "

Strzok's appearance at a joint hearing of the Judiciary and Government Reform Committees was very busy from the first question, facing GOP legislators who have long denounced

Strzok, deputy to the FBI director who oversaw counterintelligence cases, was removed from the Trump probe by Mueller in July 2017. At that time, the investigators of the GMP Inspector General of the Department of Justice have discovered messages between him and the FBI attorney, Lisa Page, in which they repeatedly disparage Trump and expressed a strong desire not to win the same. election.

Strzok's work at the FBI became the subject of intense political struggles in Congress after the Washington Post he and Page, who had been involved in a romantic relationship, were object d & # 39, an investigation by the Inspector General on their texts. Page left the FBI earlier this year; Strzok is the subject of an internal investigation that could lead to his dismissal, but technically he is still employed by the bureau.

"I testify today with deep regret, acknowledging that my texts have created confusion and caused suffering to people," said Strzok. "Some of my private messages provided ammunition for mischievous attacks on the FBI, an institution I deeply love and proudly served for more than 20 years. "

Strzok denied that his political views influenced investigations. defense of my nation, my personal opinions influenced any official action that I took, "said Mr. Strzok. "Strzok also said that Thursday's hearing is" is just another victory for Putin's belt and another milestone in our enemies' campaign to tear America apart, "said Strzok. "Deeply painful to watch and even worse to take part."

In a text exchange in 2016, Page wrote: "He will never become president, is not it? ! "- to which Strzok replied," No. No, he will not do it.We'll stop him. "

The Inspector General has found no evidence that the decisions of Investigators were affected by Page's political bias, Strzok or others at the FBI, but issued a report that severely criticized their conduct, saying that the texts showed a willingness to take official measures to prevent that Trump does not become president.

Strzok has long spoken in camera at the House Judiciary Committee; The Democrats demanded – unsuccessfully – that the Republican-controlled committee publish the transcripts.

On Wednesday, House Republicans reported that they could try to hold Page in contempt of Congress unless she agrees to testify Friday on her role in the FBI's probe.

Page served as Senior Legal Counsel to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Page and Strzok were both part of a small group of senior FBI officials who attended both Clinton and Trump polls. In the FBI, these officials were often referred to as a "lean group" because FBI director James B. Comey and others sought to maintain control over the details of these investigations.

Trump supporters in Congress accused Strzok and Page of directing the Clinton probe away from criminal charges and urging the FBI to aggressively investigate Trump's advisers through electronic surveillance and confidential informants. They accuse FBI leaders of making investigative decisions for political reasons and have long been seeking to interrogate Strzok and other FBI officials about how these cases have been handled.

Trump repeatedly disparaged Strzok publicly. On Saturday, the President tweeted: "The Rigged Witch Hunt, originally directed by Peter S, an FBI lover (for a year) and now, 13 Angry Democrats … Friday, the committees reached an agreement to interrogate him in camera on Friday following an exchange of anger with Page Amy Jeffress's lawyer about what she called "the intimidation tactics" of lawmakers. [19659022] Rep. Mark Meadows (RN.C.) accused this page of making "very difficult to serve a subpoena on him."

"The idea that she was ready to come voluntarily and everything is about the review of documents that she has had the ability to reconsider for seven months – many of which she wrote, besides – he does not just not water, "said Meadows, complaining that a US Marshal had to deliver the assignment early in the morning

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