Revenues increased by 26.4% thanks to the rise of the SAI


In June, the collection amounted to 8 193 million shillings, an amount exceeding 1,801 million shillings in the same period of 2017 and a growth of 26.4%.

The Sunat reported that with the result of the sixth month of the year, 9 months of steady increase in tax revenue accumulated.

According to the June result, it is explained by several factors, among which the recovery of economic activity (especially domestic demand, highlighting the components of consumption and consumption). 39; investment), the application of measures such as changes in the SAI and adjustment to the disadvantages of services, some exceptional payments.

increase in the other services sector (13.1%), highlighting the sub-sectors of financial intermediation (20.6%), electricity generation (20.5 %) and transport (9%). The increase in revenues also contributed to mining (47.3%), hydrocarbons (49.6%) and manufacturing (19%).

collection 2018

Between January and June, accumulated tax revenues totaled / 54,267 million, more than S / 10,241 million more than those obtained in the same period of the previous year.

Sunat pointed out that this result represented a cumulative growth of 22.1%, in which not only is there an impact of the greater activity of the economic, fiscal and statistical measures, but also "a favorable effect of the actions carried out by the Sunat in the performance of his duties ".

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