Japan: A defenseless pony is found alive after terrible floods | World


The terrible rains in the southern islands of Japan have generated great ravages and painful numbers, to date at least 199 deaths were counted and relief efforts continue they still seek several disappeared .

In the midst of the sadness of the Japanese people, the news of a pony who managed to survive the torrential rains hope

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The little equine was found nothing less than on the roof of a house located near the river of Mabi whose neighbors reported on the surprising location of the animal . pony responds to the name of & # 39; Leaf & # 39; (leaf translated into English) and it is known that he has been in the Life Mabi of the city for nine years, a center dedicated to the care of the elderly. The mare lived on a farm on the side of other animals of the same species, in addition to goats and other cattle, details the portal Infobae.

According to the testimony of the inhabitants of Mabi 'Leaf & # 39; was last seen being dragged by the force of the river which took everything in its wake after the increase of its flow by the heavy rains . After this episode, the worst was thought, however, seeing him living on the roof, they rejoiced and took care of him.

Now, the mare is recovering because she was found full of mud and with a fractured leg . Still not sure how to stop so high because the water level was not there, the inhabitants of Mabi first feared lowering it because that it was a very difficult operation because the animal was very nervous and was at risk of falling and dying.

 Pony Leaf Japan

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