Fight: Pancho Rodríguez and Spheffany Loza finish their romance | Shows


Pancho Rodríguez and Spheffany Loza finished their love story for the umpteenth time, the Chilean confirmed it to the Peruvian press.

Although they tried to save their relationship, the participant of the reality show "Combate" "He said they could not do it anymore and decided two weeks ago to separate their lives.

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Pancho Rodríguez claims that the relationship with Spheffany Loza has become saturated and that the flame of love has been extinguished, but points out that there is nothing wrong with saying about the sister younger brother of Melissa Loza

"Today everyone is on their side, we are finished, but always with great respect and affection, because we are colleagues", he confided in El Popular.

The captain of the team "Combat" Green said that their romantic relationship was full of difficulties, to little intimacy.

"It is difficult to take a relationship as a medium, because when all is well and that's good and when it's not, it's ugly, "said the Chilean. "I think we did not have our own spaces. I think it would have been nice to miss you a little. We are saturated, "added Pancho Rodríguez

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