The OAS insists on advancing the elections • El Nuevo Diario


The proposal to hold early elections in Nicaragua, as a way out of the crisis that has been going on since April, was resumed at a special session of the Permanent Council of the United Nations American States (OAS), Friday. 19659002] OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro and a group of seven countries that submitted a motion for a resolution called on the Nicaraguan government to strengthen democratic institutions and to anticipate elections.

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Almagro Proposes to the Nicaraguan Government to Follow a Range of Measures to End the Current Crisis, Including a Negotiation That Enables Political Solutions for the Country , including "democracy, human rights and elections."

Another point concerns the progress of electoral work that the OAS was carrying out in Nicaragua, which "must be put into practice according to an electoral calendar that Remember. "

" Our proposal for elections and democratic institutional strengthening of the country continues to be the path of peace, "said Almagro, who stressed the urgency to act swiftly, alleging that "blood has flowed in Nicaragua.The dead are proof that we are late."

"Nicaraguans do not need a weapon in their hands, they need the democracy, "said Almagro. The countries

Argentina, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru and the United States also called for strengthening democratic institutions in Nicaragua, countries that have submitted a draft resolution in which they would urge the Nicaraguan government to implement "the recommendations of the OAS Electoral Monitoring Mission," which provides for early elections for March 2019, and "support a jointly agreed electoral timetable in the context of the national dialogue process ".

The United States before the OAS, Carlos Trujillo, declared that this project "represents an important step to help strengthen the institutions and democratic processes in Nicaragua before the situation worsens in the future ", and that is why he urged Nicaraguan delegation to support the text" as a constructive way to go forward ".

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Also the representation of Paraguay has supported the alternative of early elections as a way out of the crisis.

In response, the Nicaraguan Chancellor, Denis Moncada, stated that "it is intended to require Nicaragua to change government by violating the Constitution and to break the national legal order ", and hinted that the Nicaraguan Constitution provides for presidential elections every five years. we will act outside the law, "said Mr. Moncada

This is the third session of the Permanent Council of the OAS in less than a month on the situation in Nicaragua

The Role of the OAS

] The Extraordinary Hearing was not approved by Nicaragua, Venezuela and Bolivia The Nicaraguan Minister of Foreign Affairs has requested OEA to respect the principles of "non-intervention, non-interference in the internal affairs of states", while the representative of Venezuela, Sara Lambertini, accused the OAS of "destabilization" in Nicaragua. 19659002 ] However, several diplomatic representatives supported the holding of hearings to closely monitor the implementation of the recommendations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in the State of Nicaragua, which include the cessation of repression of peaceful protesters 19659002] Orte ga concludes withdrawal at police station

"The deaths and injuries, allegations of arbitrary detention, torture and degrading treatment can not and must not go unnoticed in an organization based on respect for human rights. And the defense of democratic principles, "said Elisa Ruiz Díaz, Permanent Representative of Paraguay.

Luis Almagro emphasized that "the pain and suffering of individuals and families" must be the priority of the OAS and that is why they must "devote all our efforts to save lives and avoid seeing more blood flow by Nicaraguans. "

"It is absolutely imperative that the country leaves this fratricidal confrontation with the differences in the rule of law," said Almagro, who offered the political and technical support of the General Secretariat of the OAS and the IACHR. 9002] The Delegations of Argentina, the United States, Peru, Canada, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Honduras also urge the Nicaraguan authorities to continue a dialogue "in good faith". find a peaceful and satisfactory solution to the crisis.

New session

The Chair of the Permanent Council of the OAS, Rita Hernández, announced that this body will resume the debate on the resolution presented yesterday,

The representative of Argentina, Paula Bertol suggested the possibility that this resolution could be dealt with next week.

Condemnation of violence documented by the IACHR

The draft resolution presented this Friday by seven countries of the continent before the Permanent Council of the OAS, establishes, in addition to the strengthening of democratic institutions, the condemnation to the aggressions of the July 9 against the bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua who were addressing Diriamba

The text condemns "the harassment of Catholic bishops who participate in the national dialogue as an attempt to intimidate those seeking peaceful solution and in Nicaragua. "

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It also reiterates its" strong condemnation and grave concern "for acts of violence and human rights violations and abuses that took place in the country for three months, which is why they encourage "to carry out the correct identification of those responsible by legal procedures". nt. "

In this regard, they support the work of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) to investigate the acts of violence that have taken place in the country, as well as the Mechanism Nicaragua's Special Monitoring Mission (Meseni) and the initiative to strengthen the democratic institutions offered by the OAS Secretary General.

In addition, they reiterate the disposition of the Permanent Council to collaborate in all activities under way to find a peaceful solution to the situation of Nicaragua.

Finally, invited the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to "keep the Permanent Council informed of the follow-up of the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the IACHR".

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