Horoscope of the day July 15, 2018


July 15, 2018 7:45 am

Discover what awaits you in love, work, and the economy for today, Sunday, July 15, with the horoscope of ] Luisa, the Goddess of love.

ARIES (From March 21 to April 20) [19659004] You do not spend the time you had to work and this will have consequences for you in the coming days.
Your color: green | Your number: 10

TAURUS (April 21 to May 21)
You will need to use your patience to deal with complicated situations. Do not lose your temper at all times.
Your color: white | Your number: 4

GEMINI (May 22 to June 22)
Your partner will make your life less boring. If I was not with you, you would have changed jobs a long time ago.
Your color: yellow | Your number: 1

CANCER (June 23rd to July 23rd)
You will not trust this person anymore and it does not hurt to think about it as before. You prefer to be with someone more reliable.
Your color: light blue | Your number: 6

LEO (From July 24 to August 24)
You will get angry with your partner and end up saying things you do not want to say. You must control your impulses.
Your color: red | Your number: 7

VIRGO (From August 24 to September 23)
You get carried away by the faults of this person and you forbid yourself to know anyone who might be important to you.
Your color: purple | Your number: 9

LIBRA (From September 24 to October 23)
You do not usually start a fight or discussion, but someone will cause your annoyance. Nobody will be able to pass on you.
Your color: orange | Your number: 5

ESCORPIO (October 24 to November 22)
Remember that this person has stopped touching you and you feel at peace. You will realize that you have overcome what is between you.
Your color: brown | Your number: 11

SAGITARIO (November 23 to December 22)
You noticed that this person has never been honest with you and that it really hurt you. You thought you could trust him.
Your color: pink | Your number: 14

CAPRICORN (December 22nd to January 20th)
Your relationship is in crisis and you do not know what you need to do to make everything work again as before.
Your color: lead | Your number: 8

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 19)
You will want to share your concerns with a friend and he will be totally available to help you in everything you need.
Your color: blue | Your Number: 3

FISH (February 20 to March 21)
Your shyness prevented you from telling this person everything you wanted to tell him. In occasions like this, you should leave everything aside.
Your color: turquoise | Your number: 2

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