Cyber ​​Attack Increases Financial Institutions – Printed Edition


BOGOTÁ (EFE). At a time when all companies are experiencing digital transformation processes, security is crucial and the market segment in which this priority is highest is digital banking, said CA President and CEO. Technologies for Latin America. and the Caribbean, Claudia Vásquez.

"It's a moment of high-pressure business conjuncture to combine the speed and disruption of financial technologies with digital appetite and millennial consumer expectations, which involves very big challenges for protect against any gaps in security, "Vásquez said after leading the CA IT Leadership Council (ITLC) conference in Colombia.

The Colombian executive insisted that this protection is" a priority "because" today all businesses are living processes of digital transformation "and" the bank is, without doubt, the most active sector from the point of view of cybersecurity. "

According to figures recently released by the firm NovaRed, Latin America recorded 677 million computer attacks in 2017, an increase of 59% over the previous year and a average of 117 cyberattacks every 60 minutes, but it is the financial institutions that "tend to be the target of cybercriminals", noting recent incidents "in a ratio of 3 to 1 compared to other industries", according to the Latin American Federation of Banks (Felaban).

According to Vásquez, another latent problem is the fear of many organizations to open up their information and services, to be more digital, which leads them to "To stay in a market that does not slow down in terms of demand for"

This demand has increased and, according to the Global Fintech Survey 2017, among the most heavily channeled financial activities by technology are the means of payment. , with 84%, transfer of funds (68%), personal financing (60%), personal loans (56%), deposits / savings accounts (49%), insurance ( 38%) and asset management (38%). For his part, Juan Carlos Arcila, president of the Latin American Digital Banking Congress that took place Friday in Panama, told Efe that this requires turning technology into a strategic business issue and understanding "the new ecosystem". and new market players to find the best way to optimize services. "

Security was just one of the themes of the recent CA IT Leadership Council (ITLC) conference held in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) and brought together 82 technology leaders. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean

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