Corruption, the main challenge of infrastructure



Leaders of public and private institutions in Latin America have emphasized that the fight against corruption is a challenge for the development of investments in public-private partnerships.

"Corruption, unfortunately, it affected and paralyzed the growth process in some places," said the chairman of the board of directors of the Peruvian Corporation of Financial Development (Cofide), Pedro Grados, during the conference "Infrastructures for the Integration of Latin America", organized by CAF

This expert defended a growth of the institutionality so that the future flow of the investments "is more predictable" and considers "fundamental" the development of a capital market if we want to look "long term".

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However, the president of the National Development Bank (BN) DES) of Brazil, Dyogo de Oliveira, commented that it is time to isolate from "mistakes of the past" and "s & dquo; To further unite "to integration between Latin American countries.

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"We must leave a very clear message that the path we want to follow is not one of conflict, but one of international cooperation". 19659003] Grados and De Oliveira joined the panel "Financing Infrastructure in Priority Areas for Regional Development" at the CAF-Latin American Development Bank Annual Conference, held for the first time in Spain.

With the two executives The executive advisor of the Spanish bank BBVA José Manuel González-Páramo, the experienced CAF specialist Rafael Farromeque and the director of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business, Pilar Más, participated to this dialogue.

González-Páramo defended the need for this region to develop its connections for communication and defended investments in broadband, fiber optics and 5G technology to meet "important" social demands.

"It's a paradox" In Latin America, telecommunications costs are higher than in any European country, "said the executive.

A recurring theme of this meeting is the defining legal frameworks to transform the infrastructure market into a more efficient sector attractive to investors

"The big challenge is to have a legal framework and a practice of reducing those laws that be more effective. This is the big challenge, "said the president of the BNDES

De Oliveira pointed out that in this sector, investors are not lacking because, according to the Brazilian representative," there are people everywhere in the who want to finance infrastructure. "19659003] This is the first annual conference of the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America in Spain, defined as a permanent space of dialogue where the political representatives and the private sector share experiences and proposals for public-private partnerships.

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