Osiptel proposes to ban the marketing of similar plans with fewer benefits | Trade | Economy | Peru


The Board of Directors of Osiptel approved the publication for comment on the proposed amendment to the General Tariff Regulations. In this, it is proposed that operators prohibit marketing plans with similar attributes, but with less benefit to users.

As explained by the entity in the resolution issued today in El Peruano the telecommunications market has stepped up the number of tariff plans and the provision of packaged services in recent years. years. He specified that to date there are 1,300 plans only for the service of mobile telephony .

"These plans generate for users situations of unjustified discrimination in which some pay more than others for the same service," said the director general of Osiptel, Sergio Cifuentes.

According to the entity, the measure aims to resolve that plans are outdated before the subsequent launch of more competitive plans. For example, he adds, recently launched plans include higher speeds Internet access to applications without data consumption, among others, with rates similar to those of the old plans which provide fewer attributes.

that among the proposed amendments is also the provision allowing operators to inform their users by means of an application relating to the best mobile telephony plans available according to their habits of consumption.

The project also clarifies the marketing rules for packaged services (duets and trios). In mobile telephony, the entity proposes to eliminate the duration of promotions (currently 6 months) to generate greater competition.

A 30-day period is established to receive feedback from users, user associations, industry and other stakeholders. The project will be published on the Osiptel website.

If the initiative is approved, operators must adapt their commercial offer within 18 months of its approval. Meanwhile, the measure to inform mobile phone users about the best plans would be implemented after six months.

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