It's Guerra: Rafael Cardozo aroused the wrath of Ignacio Baladán and everything was live | EEG | VIDEO | Shows


What happened? The Brazilian Rafael Cardozo has angered Uruguay's Ignacio Baladán in the live program of This Is War.

It turns out that Ignacio Baladán was about to compete with Alonso in a reality show, but suddenly Rafael Cardozo appeared to decentralize the Uruguayan.

As you can see, Rafael Cardozo is approaching Ignacio Baladán to distract him qualifiers before the start of the competition, but never expected Uruguayan to react in the worst way.

YOU CAN SEE Ignacio Baladán arrives at the EEG with contact lenses and his companions make him ridiculous [VIDEO]

That's right, Ignacio Baladán pushed Rafael Cardozo and they clashed verbally in full program live

The discussion became ardent that the conductor Mathias Brivio had to intervene to calm the "warriors".

Here is the video of the tense moment that was lived on the set of C & rsquo; is the war .

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