A manhunt for a man in Houston, Texas, is over after he was captured after a chase by car.

HOUSTON – Suspected in two mattress murders, the murder of a Houston suburban and other unsolved crimes was arrested Tuesday after a car chase.

The lawsuit ended just before 7 am CT near Houston's Hastings Green neighborhood with Jose Rodriguez, 46, in the same dark gray Nissan Sentra as the authorities were looking for.

By noon, Rodriguez had not been charged in Harris County Sheriff, Ed Gonzalez, said: [TRADUCTION] "It's possible that he was looking to mark his next victim, so we are very relieved, very grateful to the citizens of Harris County for calling, for being diligent and reporting this to us so we can act, "said Gonzalez during a press conference

A 911 caller spotted the Sentra, the Harris County Sheriff's Office was informed .. MP tried to stop the car.After Rodriguez's arrest, a handgun was found in the car which, according to the police, was stolen from one of its victims.

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"He was unleashed in a series of murders," said Houston police chief Art Acevedo. "Let's get this man off the street as soon as possible."

Rodriguez measures 5 feet 9 inches, about 150 pounds, bald with tattoos on his neck and other parts of his body. He also has a tattoo on the top of his head

The first person killed in criminal madness was a widow in the suburb of Cypress, Texas, who loved reading the Bible and baking cookies for neighbors. The MPs found 62-year-old Pamela Johnson in her home on Friday. Her brother had asked the officials to watch her because she was not answering her calls.

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Television, computer and widow's jewelry were missing from her home, according to investigators. On Saturday, Johnson's missing PT Cruiser was found about 15 miles away in the Willowbrook Mall parking lot.

A surveillance video of the mall showed Rodriguez walking through the mall and out the opposite side. Police said that other vehicles used in criminal madness had also been thrown to the mall.

"It is possible that he was trying to mark his next victim, so we are very relieved, very grateful."

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez Harris County, Texas

On Saturday night, a store manager Mattress Firm found an employee, Allie Barrow, 28, not far from the Willowbrook Mall.

"I've heard of flights here and things like that but nothing about someone being found dead. Saray Roman, who works in a nearby company

A few hours after the publication of Barrow's name on Monday, police were called to another mattress store about 5 km away.

a man, found inside a Mattress One store; His name has not been broadcast. The Nissan Sentra was stolen from this crime scene

Mattress Firm closed its Houston stores Tuesday to assess security measures.

"Our hearts are heavy after hearing another senseless act of violence at a mattress company in Houston In the wake of the tragic event of this weekend, Steve Stagner, CEO of Mattress Firm, has stated: "The safety of our employees being paramount, we are working diligently to put in place additional security measures to protect our employees."

Police also want to interview Rodriguez on theft and firing a METROLift driver early Monday. The disabled accessible bus driver survived and was transported to a hospital in the area

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A fifth crime, a robbery of home invasion on 9 July in the northern Harris County could also be linked to Rodriguez, authorities said. There were strong indications in every crime "that Rodriguez was involved, Gonzalez said, but refused to elaborate.They did not publish more details about the crimes, such as the motive behind every act and if the victims were chosen at random.

Contribution: The Associated Press Follow Janel Forte on Twitter: @JanelKHOU


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