DOTA 2: A Peruvian player donates $ 1,500 for children suffering from the cold in the mountains


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One of the most recognized players in the world of "players" is Bryan Freddy Machaca Siña . He is often referred to as "Smash & # 39; and made a charitable act through his ability to play DOTA 2. He raised money and donated $ 1,500 for Peruvian children who suffer in the mountains of the country. 19659004] By his account of Facebook he was able to write a long message in which he can appreciate the affection and humility that he has towards all Peruvians. He was able to give this sum to the association 'Toy Pending'. which is the body responsible for setting up educational programs and games for children.

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"Today, I will be doing a charity run throughout the day to support this initiative organized by the Community of the Streamers of Peru which is receiving today will be directed to the Toy Pending organization that will be responsible for helping children who suffer from cold in the north / South (Sierra) of the country ", the text has begun.

Peruvian Bryan Machaca was able to collect a significant amount of money for charity. Other users have applauded for the gesture that he has had and social networks are becoming allies for those who want to do this kind of event to help those who need it most. .

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"I hope everyone can support me today and that we will be able to reach the goal, at the end of the flow we will make a live donation of all the accumulated and I will contribute to support this cause, to later ", put an end to the message of one of the best players of the DOTA 2 that exists in Peru.

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