Less than 13 years old died after being shot at demonstrations due to lack of water and light


A protest for faults in water and electricity services in Ciudad Guayana (south of Venezuela ), left a 13-year-old miner dead after being shot dead amidst the riots, according to reports Agence France Press .

The incident occurred on Monday night in the popular district of San Felix, where riots broke out and police officers will use his regulatory weapons to calm the plaintiffs. According to the report of the Regional Police incidents occurred during attempts to plunder

Upon arrival of troops, "people fired shots" and, with cocktails Molotov, "partially" burned a police station. and a motorcycle of the uniform, according to the minute.

As a result, four officers of the state police Bolívar were arrested for this death accused of using their "regulatory weapons" against the mob, said a statement internal of the scientific police .

Protests over lack of food and failures in the provision of basic services such as water and electricity have proliferated throughout the country. Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social NGO Some 5,300 demonstrations were recorded in Venezuela during the first half of 2018, an average of 30 per day.

According to the organization, 84% of these events required improvements in economic and social rights. ( With information from the AFP )

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