YouTube: Citroën has created lenses that prevent vertigo in the car | VIDEO | Trade | Wheels and nuts


Traveling by car can be a puzzle for some. According to a report of the French brand Citroen in Europe, up to 30 million people suffer from chronic vertigo when they move in this type of vehicle.

Aware of this, Citroen ] introduced a set of glasses called SEETROËN, which were created to put an end to this type of vertigo. As explained by a video YouTube published by the company, this invention helps to eliminate motion sickness in up to 95% of cases.

The SEETROËN were designed by the Paris 5.5 study. They have a modern technology called Boarding Ring, which was developed by the start-up of the same name.

At first, SEETROËN were born with the aim of reducing vertigo in sailors. However, Citroën decided to adapt them to sell them in a generalized way. In fact, the glasses also work for buses, planes and other vehicles.

Citroen Gaga's game has hoops surrounded by liquid with dye, which recreate a horizontal line and follow our movements. In this way, our senses are prevented from disorganizing and generating typical vertigo.

Learn more about how the lenses of Citroën were used in the next video of YouTube ].

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