Facebook: Evangelical pastor uses hammer to destroy virgin statue and spark controversy | Viral | Video | Colombia | trends


A great controversy generated in Colombia, the images of an evangelical pastor who used a hammer to destroy a statue of the Virgin of Carmen in a public place and before the eyes of thousands passers-by, one of them recorded the moment and uploaded to Facebook.

According to foreign media reports, this fact, which became popular thanks to Facebook, arrived on July 16 in the municipality of Mompox, located in Bolívar department, in Colombia and the pastor in question is called Elías Ospino Gascón

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As you can see in the pictures, they have more than 28 thousand reproductions on Facebook, the pastor places a small statue of the Virgen del Carmen and begins to talk about what we should not adore the & # 39; idols' mud.

and with a ma rtillo completely destroyed the image, causing applause among his supporters and indignation in a group of parishioners one d. they even expressed his rejection of this pastor, asking to be declared persona non grata

"It's an offense to what this villain did, we respect his religion and we do not get involved with those people who , although they do not want to accept it, were baptized in the Catholic Church now they believe that they are the most cultured and that having converted, they believe that they can change the world, but they are wrong, worldly, "said Jaquelin Amaris, one of the tests i

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