Nelson Mandela: Lula da Silva remembers 100 years of South African leader | Brazil | World


The former president of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva who is in prison for corruption; He remembered from prison the late South African leader Nelson Mandela, who would have turned 100 years old.

Lula pointed out the "struggle lesson" and "perseverance" of Mandela, who died on December 5, 2013, at the age of 95, in a message written from his cell and disclosed by his counselors networks

YOU CAN SEE Lula da Silva was acquitted of the obstruction of justice

"His lesson of struggle, perseverance and the fact that forgiveness can cure hatred of A divided nation are important in Brazil today, where racism is still very strong and where we want to rebuild a social "apartheid" that we are beats so much to diminish, "says the exmandatario.

The team of Lula publishes in his social networks several photos of the former Brazilian trade union leader, imprisoned since last April for passive bribery and money laundering, with the former South African president, who passed 27 years in prison after a conviction for high treason.

The Worker (PT), left-wing formation led by Lula today called for demonstrations in various cities of Brazil to commemorate the centenary of Mandela and remember the hundred days in prison of the former Brazilian president.

"100 years of Nelson Mandela 100 days gives political prison of Lula Two leaders who have always fought for the Brazilian people," said the PT on social networks, which in a video has compared the persecution suffered by Mandela with the presumed victim of the former head of state.

Lula is also accused of receiving a flat of a company in exchange for favors, reiterated his innocence and claims to be a victim of judicial persecution who wants to avoid his return to the presidency of Brazil . interest

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