Cajamarca: pre-investment studies begin to build STEP | Society


The director of the Provincial Municipality of Cajamarca, Luis Vásquez Rodríguez, announced the start of pre-investment studies for the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).

According to Vásquez Rodríguez, through a document dated 11 July this year, addressed to Mayor Manuel Becerra, the Ministry of Housing, Building and Sanitation (MVCS) announces that the initiative Private co-financed for the construction of the PTAR in the city of Cajamarca

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"The objective is to reduce the amount of electricity consumed. gap in the city's sewage treatment service, and improve the quality of life of residents "

In this line, he said that the construction of a treatment plant of the # Drinking water (PTAP) for Cajamarca will also be a priority, work that is also It will be financed by resources that flow from the agreement signed between the municipality and the MVCS.

He also argued that the pre-investment studies of the Cajamarca sewage treatment plant will be in charge of the FCC Aqualia S.A. company, which will have sufficient supervision to have quality work .

"The representatives of this company will be next month in Cajamarca to coordinate with the municipality and start this important project", commented

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