Facebook allows you to synchronize your Instagram contacts with Messenger | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Facebook launches a feature that allows you to add Instagram to the list of Messenger Messenger friends. That's if you decide to synchronize accounts (or link them). The option is active in the People tab of the message application next to the cell phone synchronization tool, reports the website "TechCrunch".

Network researcher Jane Manchun Wong discovered the new option of Facebook and posted a screenshot of her running on Twitter. Later, the aforementioned media were able to verify the function that was finely admitted and confirmed by Facebook . The social network has declared that the launch is official and that it will be public completely.

In Messenger, when you tap "Connect Instagram ", the application will automatically add your contacts in this social network. The user name and account of Instagram also become visible to other people in Facebook Messenger. It is also a way to combine the friends that could be created on different platforms.

The counter

On Twitter, some users expressed their dissatisfaction with the definition of the new feature. Messenger adds indistinctly all your contacts to Instagram but the partial opinion indicates that you should be able to choose if you want to add all or only certain friends – this is not possible at present –

that the moment of making this step seems the ideal. The mail service Instagram Direct has become a popular network and a whole communication process by itself. There are hundreds of millions of people who use it daily, and all these messages could also be broadcast by Facebook Messenger, according to the idea of ​​the social network.

The data

In December 2017, "TechCrunch" found a similar option to synchronize the contacts of Instagram in Messenger. He also appeared on the People tab. But this was never made public and then disappeared.

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