Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile explains its actions in case of abuse of the former Chancellor


The archdiocese of Santiago de Chile clarified in a statement how he proceeded to the allegation of sexual abuse committed by priest Oscar Muñoz Toledo, a former foreign minister who resigned in January after being complained of the abuse of a minor. Until now, there will be seven cases of sexual abuse and rape against minors committed by the 56-year-old priest. The OG of the region Higgins investigated these cases.

After investigating the documents seized from the Ecclesiastical Court of Santiago and the priest's personal files, the Regional Prosecutor's Office of Rancagua ordered on July 12th. detention and formalization of Muñoz for crimes of child abuse and rape.

The priest was sent to pre-trial detention in Module 1 of Rancagua Prison. The investigation has a duration of 180 days

In his statement, the archdiocese of Santiago explained that on December 29, 2017, Muñoz was denounced "verbally" in front of the archbishop, Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati, for sexual abuse against a family member.

"The archbishop asked him to present his written report to the Ministry of Complaints (OPADE)", which he did on January 2, 2018.

On January 5, Cardinal Ezzati charged with the opening of a preliminary investigation and decreed the precautionary measures of "absolute restriction of the public exercise of the priestly ministry; the cessation of the mandate of parish priest; Cessation of Chancellor's office; the residence is fixed.

On Jan. 31, the preliminary inquiry process that accredits the "credibility of self-declaration, as well as the testimony of other criminal acts within the family circle, resulted".

The next day, February 1, "given that in the previous investigation of minors are involved, the Archbishop sends the file to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as stipulated in document Delicta Graviora (The Most Serious Crimes)

On June 1, OPADE received a complaint of sexual abuse of a minor against P. Muñoz, who was attached to the court. case presented in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

A month later, on July 6, Cardinal Ezzati received from the Vatican Department a letter dated June 19, 2018 which calls for the opening of 39, a criminal administrative procedure.The Archbishop therefore opened the same day as requested.

"Therefore, it is not effective – as reported some press articles – that the Archbishop has knowledge of the facts before the charge of the priest Muñoz Toledo "said the Ar chidiocese of Santiago

Confiscation of documents

An unprecedented process began in June of this year with the order of seizure of ecclesiastical archives by the Chilean civil justice, in order to collect all information from denunciations related to the case. Muñoz Toledo

The Archdiocese of Santiago and the diocese of Rancagua are the places that have been ordered to seize all investigations conducted by the Church since 2007 that involve abuse against minors and Other crimes by priests of Rancagua

Meanwhile, the dioceses of Villarrica and Temuco also received orders in July to seize their goats as a result of investigations that the civil justice leads on the denunciations of 39 sexual abuse.

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