IACHR denounces repression and illegal operations of police and paramilitaries in Nicaragua


The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) reports an increase in violence in Nicaragua. The latest report of the Special Monitoring Mechanism for Nicaragua (MESENI) released Thursday confirms intensified crackdown and operations by national police and parapolitic groups to dismantle dams in different cities of Nicaragua .

The information recorded by the Meseni, eleven people died this week in the country and a hundred injured. These figures bring to 277 the total number of deaths recorded since the beginning of the protests and recorded by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

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Before the escalation of violence, the IACHR "reiterates to the State of Nicaragua its obligation to guarantee the life, integrity and security of all persons who manifest and exercise their rights and civil liberties and suffer the consequences of the repressive environment. Insists once again on the need to dismantle vigilance groups and prevent them from "continuing to operate armed groups of third parties who attack and harass the civilian population, with the support and consent of the civilian population; State "

El Meseni's report found the deployment of operations and acts of repression against Nicaraguans from different cities with whom a dialogue was held to peacefully remove the roadblocks. It mentions the cities of Diriá, Diriomo, Niquinohomo, Catarina, La Concepción, Monimbó (Masaya), Lóvago (Chontales), among others. "The IACHR regrets and condemns that the state resorted to violence instead of continuing the dialogue in the search for a peaceful solution to the crisis," they say in the document.

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In the latest report, the Messeni also includes the aggression suffered by bishops and priests at the Basilica San Sebastián at Diriamba on July 9, where the auxiliary bishop of Managua was wounded, Silvio José Báez Ortega, beneficiary of conservatory measures

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It also records the confrontation between the National Police and the protesters that took place on July 12 in Morrito, Rio San Juan, where five people were killed, four policemen and a civilian.

The Messenia also documented the attack perpetrated last Friday on students and protesters at UNAN-Managua, where two students were killed.

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