Chile defines its defense strategy against the trade war | Economy


In the middle of the commercial war between the United States and China the president Sebastián Piñera called Friday the ministers to define a strategy. Felipe Larraín, Chief of the Treasury; José Ramón Valente, of the economy; Among others,

After the meeting, Larraín said the idea was to keep the good news for Chile, with a view to growth, the resumption of investment and the l & # 39; employment. "We are going to work on a set of projects and proposals in the coming weeks that are part of the government program, but with the situation, they become more important," he said. "We know that there is an international situation with a confrontation between the two major economies of the world."

Despite this, he assured that "Chile is in good condition to resist we are well prepared, we have the largest network of free trade agreements in the world , with 64 countries. "

In the same vein, he emphasized the country's" solid economic situation ". "We have taken appropriate fiscal and growth measures, through projects and initiatives from all ministries," he said.

As one of the possible actions to "resist" the situation, he declared es "extend the network of treaties, but not only to new countries, but deepen to diversify the market" .

Larraín said that in Congress there is a series of projects that point to it, for example, the free trade agreement with Indonesia and other economies.

Work with Ministries

In the same case, the Tax Portfolio Manager revealed that they were working with the Department of Public Works (MOP) to develop investment projects and that, in the morning, they tackled energy issues, major projects and the possibility of unlocking investments.

"We want Chile to resist as much as possible to the circumstances we have to face abroad" he warned, recognizing that this will not be visible in the short term.

Donald Trump President of the United States, imposed tariffs on imported Chinese products, said that we should be vigilant, but that he was expecting a beneficial term .

"I imagine that none of the countries behind" They really want to open the door to the market, "he said, concluding that the ideal is" that they arrive to sit at the table and generate a market opening, because the whole world is involved. "

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