Instagram: Yanet García dances in glitter and unleashes furor | social networks | Mexico | Climate girl | Shows


The popular Mexican presenter, Yanet García, known as the "19459004" Chica del Clima & # 39; has a great popularity on Instagram, a social network where she tends to delight her fans with her infamous photos and videos

In one of her most recent social media publications, the beautiful model and presenter TV shared a picture in which she is dressed in a daring glitter suit, which woke up a "rain". of compliments

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The photo shared on Instagram, was taken during his participation in the program & # 39; Today & # 39 ;, where She announced that she would participate in a reality show titled "Mira quien baila". Yanet García was encouraged to show dance steps and for that she dressed for the occasion with an orange glitter dress, which left her physical attributes uncovered.

The publication of the & # 39; Climate Girl & # 39; has more than 167 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from greedy users who have not hesitated to praise his fitness figure. "Beautiful", "Adorable", "What a beauty", were some comments that can be seen in the publication.

In addition, YouTube shared a video in which you can see Yanet García in a beautiful choreography with the other participants of the reality show. We share the video at the bottom.

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