Patrias Fiesta: Tips for Repowering Your Business | Economy


For Patrias Fiestas, consumption will increase because Peruvians have received payment of their gratuity, so this is a great opportunity for those who have business and profit to increase their sales, as explained by the sales manager Piura Cash Credits, José Torres.

"Financing will be the key to economic dynamism because it is necessary to supply businesses, so Caja Piura expects a growth of loans to micro and small enterprises of 7% over the same period of time. ;last year". ] YOU CAN SEE MTPE is working in a youth work law for Mype companies

That is why Torres gave some recommendations to entrepreneurs, the first is to project and so make a list with the products of Increase demand and calculate your investment capital It is important to reserve an amount for last minute investments.

You can also apply for credits and research working capital in financial entities to supply your business. The World Cup fever has left a great patriotic spirit among the Peruvians, so that there is a strong demand for products related to national symbols.

Finally, do not forget these are the promotions for national holidays. Developing offers to increase sales is also feasible to complete this action hand in hand with the social networks of your business.

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