Iran | A series of earthquakes injure 26 people in southern Iran | Trade | World | News


A series of jolts shook Iran on Sunday, leaving 26 people slightly injured.

The first earthquake had a magnitude of 4.6 and shook the village of Ruydar in Hormozgan Province about 940 kilometers (580 miles) south of the capital Tehran.

Shortly after there was another 5.4 magnitude, reported the Sismological Service of the United States. The semi-official Iranian news agency said the magnitude was 5.7.

In the afternoon, an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 shook Kermanshah province near the border with Iraq .

The three movements had a shallow depth of no more than 10 kilometers (6 miles), causing more damage than the victims.

Kermanshah governor, Houshang Bazvand, told state television that 26 people had been slightly injured and that some houses had suffered some minor damage.

The director of the agency in charge of emergency situations, Pirhossein Kolivand, said that several helicopters were flying over the affected areas and that nearby hospitals were ready to receive casualties.

Iran is located on a major tectonic fault and is therefore vulnerable to frequent earthquakes .

Source: AP

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