Sean Murray is proud of the original release of No Man's Sky


One of the benefits that video game developers have today is the ability to make important adjustments and changes on the fly, by listening to the community and trying to. offer a satisfying experience. In this sense, the work of Hello Games after the launch and the controversial period that surrounded No Man's Sky was almost titanic but the team did not drop the arms. Recently, Sean Murray spoke of the evolution of the title throughout this period

In an interview with Eurogamer on the occasion of the upcoming release of the multiplayer component of No Man & # 39; s Sky NEXT, Sean Murray, founder of Hello Games and creator of the title, spoke of the changes that have taken place since its launch and assured that, despite all the controversy, he feels proud from his departure to the market. Initially, Murray said that many changes have been made through user feedback, which they have taken and analyzed in a practical and functional, not sentimental way: "I was reviewing comments on all the bets. The main features are things that we have always wanted to add, but many of them come from the community, we listen to them, not in a sensitive way, but in a purely statistical way , how can we solve this problem? his release. "

On the other hand, the creation revealed that despite all the controversy surrounding the days and weeks after the liberation of No Man's Sky he feels proud of the original idea of ​​the game and felt that they were fulfilling their purpose in terms of what they wanted to show and generate in the players: "what I would say is that at the same time launch we were a strange game in the you could be alone, it was a lot of science fiction, but I am very proud of this game and very proud of the team. They managed to get him out and really played the notes we wanted to play, even emotionally. What people thought was that a game in which you could have an entire universe, land on a planet and have trees, rocks and creatures, was impossible, but that's what we delivered and accomplished. "

He assured that the next version of NEXT's multiplayer game will not radically change the essence of the game, as it will continue to be felt like this solitary experience in which a group of companions can explore a vast universe For him, No Man's Sky will only enlarge.

No Man's Sky is available on PS4, PC and on July 24th will start on Xbox One with NEXT, this link will find more information on the title of Hello Games

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