San Martín: Ecotourism Initiative for Lamas in the Region | Peru


The ecotourism initiatives of our country continue to make us talk abroad. The plan of action for the tourist development of the province of Lamas in the region San Martín prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), obtained the second gold medal of the best action plan competition organized by South Korea as part of the High Level Forum and the Knowledge Exchange Seminar on Sustainable Tourism Development.

Deputy Minister of Tourism, Liz Chirinos, who said that Peru was recognized as one of the countries that best designs tourism plans. "We have been able to participate in our successful experiences of sustainable tourism development, and now we want to promote llamas," Chirinos said.


-After getting second place in the forum, Peru can participate again in the event and train two officials in South Korea.

– Lamas is called the city of three natural floors. There are views, museums and waterfalls. The journey by car from Tarapoto lasts 30 minutes.

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