Peruvian team: the president of the Peruvian Federation of Rowing says that the training will be suspended


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The Peruvian National Team of Rowing suffered a robbery this weekend while she was in full concentration in the city of Huacho before the Pan-American Games in 2019. The President from the federation of this sport, José Carlos Spihlmann spoke of the theft and assured that the trainings were suspended until further order.

The boss of this aquatic discipline spoke with Radio Ovación and showed his indignation by the theft towards the national sportsmen, Club of Regatas Lima and in five days, they traveled on the European territory for participate in the World Rowing Championship.

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"We will suspend the training until the end of the day. we are sure that we will not suffer any further inconvenience, with a short weapon they entered at night and because of the dim lighting it is difficult to identify them, "said the president of RPF

"Thank God, all the athletes are fine but end up being scared, the crime has no qualms, the boys give the life and the time to represent Peru with dignity because they were raped. minors who were in another environment and who were not attacked, unlike a part of the senior team. "

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"There at a World Youth Championship in in the Czech Republic it is the training base for Lima 2019. The delegation traveled Thursday night and returned on the 28th They were on vacation. This is not easy because of the logistical problem because it is necessary to mobilize boats, food, oars, that 's why it can only be done on certain occasions. year, it is not viable to train there every day. He was no longer trained at La Punta because the harbor was extended and the waves changed. "

On the other hand, he said that they were considering another option for practices, which would be in Ica. A year and a half ago we are fighting with COPAL to make an Olympic track on the beach Puerto Viejo if we do not start in 15 days, the plan B is the bay of Paracas, but it is risky The sea is very dangerous ", concludes Spihlmann

THE FACT [19659012] José Carlos Spihlmann is President of the Peruvian Federation of Rowing for the period 2017-2021.

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