Activities at Plaza Miserere for the World Day Against Hepatitis


(CABA) An outdoor day will be held on Friday, July 27 to raise awareness of the importance of early detection and prevention of hepatitis, in the Plaza Miserere (Av. Rivadavia and Ecuador)

The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires next to the National Program of Hepatitis will lead an action on public roads. Vaccination will be performed against Hepatitis B counseling on sexual and reproductive health, advice and the attention of health professionals regarding care, forms of infection by the patient. hepatitis and the delivery of informative material. In addition, there will be rapid resolution tests to detect the disease and rapid test of HIV . The activity is suspended by the rain

The missing leaves to take notes in the plant that the Mint has in Retiro

He is vaccinated against L & # 39; Hepatitis B is applied free of charge to the entire population with the aim of advancing the process of control and elimination of this disease in Argentina. Although in our country it is a disease of low endemicity (affects less than 2% of the population), there are 800,000 people who suffer from the disease.

This measure adds to the doses that are already mandatory, through the national vaccination schedule, the newborn (in the first twelve hours of life) and at 2, 4 and 6 months (as component of combination vaccines such as pentavalent or sextuple) and supplement or initiate 11 years, in the case of children who had not received the corresponding doses previously.

There are particular professions and situations that facilitate the possibility of acquiring the infection and developing complications. We emphasize the importance of vaccination among people at risk: health workers, hemodialysis patients, politransfundidos, persons deprived of their liberty, prison staff, homosexuals, non-monogamous heterosexuals, intravenous drug addicts, HIV-positive people (and cohabitants), and sexual partners of carriers of hepatitis B.

The first fully-built CT scanner is already operating at the Clínicas Hospital

Hepatitis B and C
Chronic viruses of hepatitis B and C are responsible for 57% of cirrhosis of the liver and 78% of cases of primary liver cancer in cirrhotic patients. In the case of hepatitis C, an effective vaccine has not yet been developed. Chronic infections with B or C viruses have specific treatments with drugs that can control the activity of viruses and heal the infection.

Hepatitis A and E
Hepatitis A and E viruses are transmitted mainly by food and contaminated water. This causes millions of cases of acute hepatitis in the world every year and many times the patients need several months to fully recover. In Argentina, vaccination against hepatitis A is mandatory for children one year after birth, and has been included in the national immunization schedule since 2005. There is no liver transplant due to hepatitis A since 2007.

Data on hepatitis in the city of Buenos Aires
From 2013 to date, 3307 patients are registered in our database, of which 1515 are co-infected with HIV and 1792 are monoinfected. Among monoinfected patients: 22% were diagnosed with hepatitis B, 12% with hepatitis. B and C and are affected by hepatitis C, 66%.

Regarding treatments for hepatitis C; from 2013 to 2015; 188 patients were treated with interferon and ribavirin. From 2016 to date: 743 have received Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir, whose viral load has decreased in more than 95% of cases. As for the treatment of hepatitis B from 2013 to 2018, only 138 people are on treatment, of which 66% receiving Entecavir. NR


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