YouTube: The noble gesture of a policeman for a vagrant to find a job | World


When Phil, a homeless man in the United States, learned that he had the opportunity to get a job in a well-known fast-food chain only s & # 39; He shaved his beard and went for help. The man left the McDonald located in Tallahassee Florida and went to get a razor.

Once with the razor, had trouble handling it so an American agent did not hesitate to offer him your help. The gesture was recorded by the camera of a witness who was close to the protagonists in the parking lot of the gas station where the events occurred.

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In the YouTube video, you see the two men standing, the agent wears the uniform of the police and shave the homeless man, who remains calm in front of the policeman.

The officer who helped the homeless – last Sunday – was identified as Tony Carlson and also, the witness was instructed to bring the evidence to the police unit where the agent works

"I am proud to live in a community where security guards are such wonderful people … Bravo, Tallahassee police", said the witness in a message, quoted by the Tallahassee Democrat

. Tallahassee spoke through his Twitter account and highlighted the work of the Carlson agent. "You must read this publication we have been tagged! Great job, Carlson officer! His great job just got caught in the camera today. Thank you for your service, your affection and your compassion." Said part of the tweet.


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