FC Barcelona may be sued by AS Roma for signing Malcom | Italy


In one of the most controversial cases, the Roma propose to sue Barcelona for the case of Malcom the Brazilian tip of Bordeaux which signs for the Catalans for 42 millions of euros. Here is the message from Monchi, Roma Sports Director, on the club's official website. Very spicy.

"What happened with Malcom is easy to explain, but perhaps a little harder to fully understand." We started a negotiation with Bordeaux and the player, through his agent, is more or less a week after three or four days of intense negotiations, around five o'clock on Monday afternoon, we found an agreement , with the agent, with the player and with Bordeaux. "

" The case was concluded, and we had permission for the player to go to Rome to perform a medical examination, there was a plane that had to leave at nine o'clock in the evening, arriving at eleven o'clock at night, everything was ordered. calm. "

" Once we reached an agreement with the Girondins, about 30 minutes later, its president, Stéphane Martin, called me to tell me that there were a lot of rumors about the signature and that it was better that they make an official statement I told him that for We would not be ideal, since we are on the stock market and we have to abide by certain rules, but he insisted and finally tweeted to announce the agreement. "

" The agents and the president of the Girondins said that if everything was okay, today [martes] we could exchange the documents and the player would be allowed to go to Rome at night. Early this morning, I spoke with the agent of Malcom Fernando Garcia, who had a meeting with Bordeaux scheduled at midnight. to confirm that everything was ready for the player to travel to Rome at night. "

" After this meeting, I was surprised that the agents and the Girondins wanted another improved offer, since Barcelona I kept pushing to reach an agreement. I told them we did not want to enter an auction: we could not continue like this, and yesterday we only raised our bid because of the will and desire of our president.

"Now, inside the club, we look at our options and see if there is an opportunity to denounce. It is true that nothing has been signed, but there are a lot of messages with the agents and their president who at least deserve to be evaluated.

"I'm sorry for what happened, but I think we have a complete agreement with the Girondins. so we offered even more money to try to close it. President Pallotta made the decision to make the best bid possible, but when trading turned into an auction, we decided to withdraw from it Rome ] that's great but if in the end they do not want to come to Rome, then we do not want them. "

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