Evo criticized for arresting a military group


President Evo Morales was questioned in the last few hours because he revealed that he had ordered the arrest of members of the band of the Military Sergeants School of Army Maximiliano Paredes ", located in the municipality of Tarata, Cochabamba,

News Bulletin

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The president made this statement at a ceremony held on Tuesday at the same military school. "I still remember the group (…) when I came to inaugurate the Coliseum. As always, my team with the team of school sergeants. The school commander scored the goal, the group played fly, his captain (general) scored the goal and they did not touch him and granted him a two-day arrest. "19659005" goal throughout Bolivia. Óscar Ortiz, senator of the National Unity (UN), criticized Morales for this action and told him that instead of worrying about these problems, he should take care of himself. problems of the country.

"As it's amazing, it sounds like a joke, but it's true.Instead of worrying about the fact that the group is touching a goal, they should be worried of the state of health and other real problems of the population, "he wrote on his Twitter account.

The head of National Unity, Samuel Doria Medina that" Evo flatters himself by remembering that he stops the Bolivians who do not pay homage to him. The pride levels of this character have no limits. Does Bolivia need another 14 years of all this? "

Communicator John Arandia also wrote:" History of a monarch, of someone who was delighted with the honeys of power and does not want to let go "


"It's one of the saddest and most alarming things I've read about President Morales for 12 years," said the analyst. Ilya Fortun

Social networks that "at this rate will decree that you and your sons and daughters watch their games and shout their goals."

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