A Congressman from ex-California submits a proposal to ban non-citizens from voting in national elections


A former GOP congressman on Wednesday proposed a new measure that would ban non-citizens from voting in state elections, reported the Los Angeles Times

Doug Ose, who represented the California District in the USA. From 1999 to 2005, he told the paper that he was convinced to submit the proposal after San Francisco passed a law in 2016 allowing non-US citizens over the age of 18 to vote in school elections.

It's very simple. I do not think non-citizens should vote

– Doug Ose

"It's very simple," he said. "I do not think non-citizens should vote."

The city registration of non-citizens last week brought renewed attention to the measure. Ose said that he believes his proposal has the potential to be a viable political campaign.

"There is no shortage of people who are interested in getting involved," he said.

While his proposal would change California's election law, it does not explicitly state how citizenship will be verified, according to the Times. California does not require voters to provide a piece of identity.

Ose briefly ran for the governor earlier this year, but gave up amidst slim prospects. His proposal on Wednesday will require 365,880 to appear on the California 2020 ballot.

Bradford Betz is an editor for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @bradford_betz.

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