University of Sports | 2018 Opening Tournament | Anthony Osorio is the man of goal in the cream of the team


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This is the live goal map that the University will have until the end of the year if it does not get the sanction already known. Anthony Osorio returned to romance with the networks in the resurgence of the cream with a goal of the World Cup against Binacional.

The victory meant not only the relief of the young striker, but the breathing of his entire team since 19459006. They did not know what it was to taste three points. "We needed to win to be able to climb gradually in the table, we have a big group and we can give more, the group is united and it is essential for the objectives," he said.

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On the other hand, he confesses that the mood of the group was affected by the results and the victory will give them the l & # 39; oxygen to fight in the remaining days of the championship. "We felt sad, but we knew that with everyday work we would succeed, now we only have to look to the future," said Osorio

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The attacker ended the wrong set of attackers who could not not mark five months ago. Just the same Osorio scored last February on Merchants United at the last summer tournament.

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