The United Kingdom legalizes the use of medicinal cannabis


The British Government ( United Kingdom ) announced on Thursday the legalization of Therapeutic Cannabis but announced that it was not a matter of any kind. a step towards legalization for recreational purposes.

The British Minister of the Interior, Sajid Javid decided, after a revision of the regulations, to legalize the therapeutic use of cannabis to "make it available on prescription", he declared in a statement

. Medical cannabis prescription will benefit the lives of patients who are currently suffering in silence. There is nothing more difficult than seeing the suffering of your loved ones, so I made the decision, "the official wrote on his Twitter account.

The Ministry of Health and the Medical Products Regulatory Agency will develop a "clear definition" of what constitutes a cannabis-derived drug in order to make it available to the public, always with the authorization of According to the authorities, the regulation will be ready for the fall (next quarter)

Currently, local legislation provides up to five years in prison for possession of marijuana or a fine without fixed limit. In the coming months, it will be defined which products are considered therapeutic derivatives to prescribe.

(With AFP information)

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