Jazmin Pinedo dazzles fans with sportswear on Instagram | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 7 | Shows


Jazmin Pinedo knows very well how to please his more than two million followers in Instagram . The popular TV host has uploaded a photo of her spectacular figure in sportswear.

The publication of Instagram by Jazmin Pinedo did not go unnoticed by the fans of the 'Chinita & # 39; and decided to thank him with the most original comments on the said social network.

"You are very beautiful", "healthy mind and healthy body", "regal as always", "the queen of Peruvian television", "always so stylish to play sports", are some of the comments that can to be read in the publication of Instagram of Jazmin Pinedo.

As we remember, the fans of Jazmin Pinedo have permanent contact with her. You just have to remember the episode where a disciple asked her why she did not have any words of love for Gino Assereto .

The & # 39; Chinita & # 39; did not remain silent and said that she always said good things to her partner, but not in public and that she appreciated the concern of her husband.

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