A pregnant 8-month-old woman gets into work after a stomach kick by a Miami police officer on leave, police say


A North Miami Beach police recruit was removed from office and charged with aggravated assault after allegedly kicking an eight-month-old pregnant woman in the stomach during the night. an altercation on Miami Beach Wednesday night.

After being deported, the victim, identified by 27-year-old Evoni Murray, of WFLG, affiliated with ABC Miami, suffered greatly and began to contract, according to a report from the police department's arrest. Miami Beach. She was then transferred to Mount Sinai Medical Center, where she gave birth soon after her arrival, the report says.

The baby's due date was set for August 4, and Murray was described as "visibly pregnant," according to the police report.

Agent Ambar Pacheco, 26, told the police that she had retaliated after Murray's boyfriend allegedly kicked her sister.

"I saw red and I beat him," Pacheco said, according to the arrest report.

  PHOTO: Ambar Pacheco is represented in an undated photo. North Miami Beach Police Department
Ambar Pacheco is depicted in an undated photo.

Pacheco then told the police that she "does not know who", but she kicked "someone," the report says.

Murray had a meeting with his boyfriend in Miami Beach on Washington Avenue and Espanola Way around 8:30 pm after he had simply retired from work in a burgers restaurant, WPLG reported.

In an interview with CBS Miami WFOR, Murray denied that his boyfriend, Joseph Predelus Jr., 40, kicked Pacecho's sister.

"Why would he hit a woman if she did nothing?" Murray said. "He was just trying to prevent the girls from doing anything for me or for his child."

Murray believes that Pacheco and her sister thought that she and Predelus were "talking to them", describing women as "warlike" and "noisy".

"They basically tried to jump on me because they thought I had said something," Murray told WFOR.

  PHOTO: Joseph Predelus Jr., 40, told WFOR that his son was in good health WABC
Joseph Predelus Jr., 40, told WFOR that his son was a "healthy baby". ] Predelus also told WFOR that the altercation was not provoked.

"We had no problem with you," he said.

After the alleged assault, the parents arrived at the hospital "at the last minute," Predelus told WFOR. A healthy baby named Joseph Predelus III was born, Murray said.

  PHOTO: The exterior of Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, Florida Jeffrey Greenberg / UIG via Getty Images
The exterior of Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, Florida [19659009] Pacheco, who was relieved from office on Thursday pending a review of internal affairs and a decision of the prosecutor's office on the opportunity to lay charges, Major Richard Rand, Information Officer public for the North Miami Beach Police Department, said ABC News. She will not be paid during this time, said Rand.

The Department will review in Pacheco's personnel files whether it revealed that she had been arrested at the age of 18 for small thefts and if this charge had been authorized by the department at the time of his hiring, reported WPLG. The small theft charge was dismissed after Pacheco attended a pre-trial diversion program, according to WPLG.

Murray said that it "troubled" that a person "supposed to protect and serve" was the person who injured her.

"No matter who you are, what occupation you have, the battery, the fight, get your hands on someone else should not be allowed," she said to the WFOR.

ABC News was not able to immediately join Pacheco to comment. It is unclear whether she retained the services of a lawyer.

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