Violence against Syrian children increases: UN


New York.- The UN warned yesterday against a sharp increase in the number of child victims and the recruitment of minors by armed groups during the last months of the war in Syria.

Since the beginning of 2018, United has verified more than 1,200 rapes of children, with more than 600 children killed or maimed and more than 180 recruited, told the Security Council Virginia Gamba Argentina, head of the United Nations. organization for children and armed conflict. He added that since 2013, the number of children killed or injured in the conflict has risen to more than 7,000.

"Most verified violations occurred in military offensives of various actors in the regions of Afrin, Hama, Idlib "Oriental Guta and Deraa," he explains

According to the UN, the figures have deteriorated in the first half of 2018 compared to the previous periods Between January and March, for example, the number of murders and mutilations of minors increased by 348% compared to the previous quarter.The number of serious violations in the first quarter of the year increased by 109% compared to the previous three months, Gamba said, and the recruitment and use of children by armed groups increased by 25 per cent.

According to the United Nations, most recruitment is opposition groups, while the majority of deaths and blues essés are attributed to children. to government forces and their allies. Gamba hinted that the numbers could be much worse considering the difficulties of access in many parts of Syria, as well as problems of verification of information.

The situation of minors yesterday focused on the monthly meeting of the Security Council on the situation Humanitarian in Syria

The Western powers have criticized the military offensive that the Damascus regime is carrying out in the south-west part of the country. countries and warned of the devastating consequences that could arise if the government opted for a similar strategy in Idlib province.

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