Theodore McCarrick: Pope Francis orders the imprisonment of the Washington Cardinal to try him for abuse | Trade | World | News


Vatican City. The Pope Francis ordained that the cardinal and archbishop emeritus of Washington Theodore McCarrick remains removed from office and maintained until they are clarified in a lawsuit canonical accusations of sexual abuse against him.

The Holy See today reported in a statement that the Pope received a letter Friday afternoon in which the American Cardinal resigned as a member of the College of Cardinals .

Francisco he accepted this resignation "and ordered his suspension in the exercise of any public ministry, as well as the obligation that he remains in a house that will be assigned to him for a living of prayer and penance. "

Thus he must live "until the accusations that they are directed to be clarified by a regular canonical process."

The 88-year-old cardinal was accused of being guilty of incurring in sexual abuse in a series of events that Return to the beginning of his religious career, almost 50 years ago, while he was a priest in the Archdiocese of New York.

McCarrick denied the charges at any time and in a statement he showed his surprise. had collaborated "fully" in a Vatican inquiry.

The Archdiocese of New York reported on June 20 that an inquiry commission had determined that the charges "were well founded and credible".

Therefore, the secretary of the Vatican State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, following the instructions of Pope ordered that McCarrick abandon the public service, according to the note.

This is not the first time that an American Cardinal is splashed with allegations of sexual abuse, allegations that have hit the Archdiocese of Boston and New York with a particular virulence.

On July 20, a Roman thought about his silence after 40 years and assured the New York Times that Cardinal McCarrick had abused him when he was a minor, a situation that would have lasted two decades .

McCarrick ] (New York, 1930) was ordained a cardinal by John Paul II and participated in the conclave of April 2005 during which he was elected Pope Benedict XVI.

Source: EFE

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