Instagram: Marc Anthony remembers his dead mother with an emotional message | Trade | TV | Hollywood


The singer Marc Anthony used his Instagram account to commemorate the departure of his mother, Guillermina Quiñones. The urban star expressed that she is the source of her strength and inspiration.

One year after his death, the singer shared with his followers two Instagram images in which he sees his beloved mother.

inspiration in the studio to honor my mother with music and light, yesterday on her first birthday, I miss you mom, "he wrote together on the photo uploaded to Instagram.

"After 3h. The guide of my angel, "adds the Puerto Rican singer.

On the Instagram photos, the performer seems shot and tired in a studio next to a lighted candle in memory of his beloved mother , always at his side.

Her fans wanted to show their support for the singer by writing messages like "She is here with you", "You will see that inspired by her, it will be an unforgettable album", "Encourage my lean, your mother from heaven take care of you" and among others.

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