Recorded tourist moment that migrants arrived on the shores of Spain


Shocking images were recorded by a tourist in a beach of Cañuelo, Tarifa, province of Cadiz in Spain . They see how about fifty people managed to reach the coast aboard a small boat called patera .

The images published by the newspaper El País show how migrants arrive at the coast and although the boat is still moving, they jump and run to the mainland in an anguished way. According to the woman who recorded the moment, there were minors among people and a pregnant woman.

This is just one of the cases that occurs massively on the Spanish shores. The latter, according to information from EFE took place on the last Friday when Maritime Rescue saved 245 immigrants of sub-Saharan origin in the Strait of Gibraltar.

These are not the only cases, some of them have tragic consequences because of the sinking of boats that caused the death of dozens of migrants

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