A woman woke up with the neighbor's python in her own bed and panicked


London police receive a special emergency call: a woman communicates with them in despair because upon her awakening she finds a python, one meter long, in her own bed.

The victim immediately fled her room and waited in hiding until the authorities arrived at her home in the picturesque Kensington neighborhood. However, when the officers entered to capture the animal, they did not find it and left empty handed.

  A woman woke up with a python in her bed in London.
A woman woke up with a python in her bed in London.

However, the next day they were able to locate her when the woman saw her in the hall of her house. Officer Jill Sanders, who was part of the rescue team, told local media that "the poor resident must have had the fear of her life."

  The Rescue Team animals presumed that the snake belonged to a neighbor.
The animal rescue team presumed that the snake belonged to a neighbor

Specialists suspected that the African python was coming from a neighbor as it is growing Londoners often choose them. as pets. "In recent weeks, we have received many such calls because they tended to get lost frequently ," adds the lifeguard.

Although they still do not know how the snake has entered the property, the authorities have pointed out that they assume that it comes from the same neighborhood. And because they are in the summer, this type of reptile has more energy and becomes more active.

For this reason, Sanders recommended that those who have them as pets, pay attention. "Reptiles can be very good escape artists and take advantage of any deviation, their owners have to invest in a good closed habitat for these species," he said in a conversation with The Telegraph.

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