They offer partial public funding for campaigns


For the specialists Gerardo Távara, of Transparencia; and Percy Medina, of Idea Internacional, the announcement by President Martín Vizcarra to submit private financing of political parties and election campaigns to a referendum has put the problem of illicit money or money into question. doubtful origin in politics.

Currently, electoral contests are subsidized exclusively with private money, although parties receive money indirectly in the electoral band.

With the reform of the Congress, which provides that political organizations pay their expenses at the end of the electoral process, opened the door – according to Gerardo Távara – to illegal money or dubious origin to the policy.


In this sense, Távara considers it important that the parties benefit from direct public funding, but under very strict conditions. With this measure, money from private sources would decrease and, incidentally, from illegal sources too.

According to Percy Medina, the trend in the world is to a combination of two financings and, in the same way that Távara, considers that if a certain part of the campaigns is paid by the State "there would be less of Exposure to political parties to the possibility of receiving undue resources "


However, Távara considers that it is essential to condition this economic support to demands such as the strict surrender of accounts in real time to ONPE, the commitment to justify its expenses to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), that the candidates are free of criminal records and tax investigations for certain crimes; and political and penal sanctions for the parties who misappropriate these funds. In addition, to establish a cap on this direct public funding.


For Távara and Medina, although this announcement by President Vizcarra must be translated into a norm that goes through a referendum, we will have to wait for the concrete proposal of the executive. However, Medina has not ruled out that there may be a fundamental, more detailed and more consistent agreement between the various congressional caucuses, and that it be translated into a bill open to the popular consultation.

Financing is a complex issue that involves the definition of authorized sources, transparency mechanisms by the parties, control of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) and effective sanctions for those who violate the law .

He explained that the current law on political parties establishes public and private funding for political organizations, but does not specify when it comes to election campaigns. However, their funding is regulated by articles referring to private funding and prohibited sources of funding, such as state entities, religious denominations, parties and foreign government agencies, with their exceptions.

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