Kit Harington denies having been unfaithful to Rose Leslie with Russian model Olga Vlasova


If Kit Harington and Rose Leslie celebrated their wedding a few months ago in style and with some of their companions "Game of Thrones" among the guests, a storm is now forming on the couple. The actress and Russian model Olga Vlasova claims to have had a relationship with Harington during her engagement with Leslie, and even published a supposed photo of the sleeping naked actor in a bed. In front of this situation, Harington stepped in to deny all Vlasova's words.

    Rose Leslie and Kit Harington smiling after the ceremony

It is through the intermediary of his representative that the actor wanted to deny the assertions of the Russian model on their alleged relationships. In a few words to ET Canada, the representative assured that "The allegations in this story are completely false"adding that "[Harington] he did not even go to Luxembourg and he did not meet Olga Vlasova either ". Harington thus intends to silence the rumors of the last days of his alleged unfaithfulness to which he is already his wife, Rose Leslie, since Vlasova assures that his relationship with Harington not only began during his engagement with Leslie, until he was not married. after the marriage of the couple.

It was Vlasova herself who started these rumors by sharing a supposed picture of Kit Harington in a bed, later assuring the model that they had a relationship in Luxembourg., a relationship he believes has continued even after Harington's marriage with Leslie. Although photography supports Vlasova's story in principle, several media have questioned the snapshot, even pointing out that it could be a fake photo.

A relationship that began in "Game of Thrones"

Kit Harington and Rose Leslie met during the filming of "Game of Thrones & # 39; in 2012, series that the actress left two years later without this preventing the couple from continuing their relationship. It was finally last June when they got the yes I want in Scotland, more specifically in a castle belonging to the Leslie family and at a ceremony attended by some of his colleagues in fiction, such as Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage and Sophie Turner.

13 Curiosities You Should Know About Kit Harington

1 I did not know his name
I did not know his name

For the record, Kit Harington has never used his real name: Christopher. The actor has recalled how he discovered that he called Christopher: "I found out that I called Christopher when I was 11 years old.I went to school and I remember that it was necessary to do this type of test to determine the IQ. I wrote "Harrington Kit" and the examiner looked at me as if I were stupid and said: "No, you are Christopher Harington, I'm not sure. I'm afraid. " From there, I learned my real name ". The actor admitted that he had never used his real name, not even after this chapter. He considers himself Kit, not Christopher.

2 Origins with class
Origins with class

The actor Kit Harington was born December 26, 1986 in London. British purebred. He grew up in a typically English family environment. At age 11, he moved to Worcester with his parents and his brother John. Interestingly, Harington can be considered a "crank" or a high-class family member, since their ancestors were people with noble titles like Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baron Harington, Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville and Sir William Molesworth, 6th Baron. Without a doubt, Harington's background places him as a complete gentleman. Ironically, Harington does not like royalty and that people are called for their noble title.

3 Start at the theater
Start at the theater

Before becoming one of HBO's stars, Kit Harington made his debut in the theater world. The young man was trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama, studied theater and theater and graduated in 2008. During my studies got the role of Albert in the original piece of "War Horse", being his first important role. His acting quality allowed him to continue playing the role until 2009 at the Royal National Theater in London. It's also produced at the West End, one of the city's most famous theaters. In 2010, he appeared in the room 'Posh'. Laura Wade at the Royal Court Theater in London.

4 First date
First date

Like anyone on Earth, the actor also has in mind what would be the perfect rendezvous. Far away from the Hollywood pump and stereotypes according to which love scenes may exist in the cinema, the actor surprises by his own vision. "You should not look too anxious or romantic, otherwise it would seem that you have tried too much. Yes, I think the first date should be intimate. I would choose a good dinner in a comfortable place, without too many people and with a good wine". Harington has very clear. Do you find this romantic?

5 Problems with public transportation
Problems with public transportation

Before becoming a star and even currently, actor Kit Harington has hobbies and difficulties. One of the most curious and admitted by himself is the difficulty you have with public transportation. During an interview, he admitted that he controlled neither trains nor buses, but not in the United States or the United Kingdom. One of the most sincere phrases about this curiosity was "I ride in any subway and I always end up in Brooklyn". It seems that Harington needs more than a map of the resort.

6 Lover of terror
Lover of terror

Kit Harington is very clear with his tastes and does not hesitate to express them publicly. The actor, who for the moment has not made horror films, admitted that his favorite genre is horror. His favorite film is Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, "The Shining." "I've also loved 'The Ring', the 'Scream' saga and 'The Wicker Man' with Christopher Lee". The actor has repeatedly confessed that he would like to be immersed in a feature film of this style.. Can you imagine it as a protagonist of a horror film?

7 Trauma with video games
Trauma with video games

His participation in & # 39; Game of Thrones & # 39; and at other projects allowed the actor to acquire several skills. Even like that, Harington is not a big fan of video games, though he appears in one of them as "Silent Hill: 3D Revelation.". Apparently, the actor is not very good in video games and everything is related to a small trauma. The game 'Doom & # 39; is to blame this has affected both the interpreter who considers himself a "coward" in computer games.

8 Follower of David Lynch and Björk
Follower of David Lynch and Björk

We all have filmmakers who are our weakness and we follow their work very closely. Kit Harington is a big fan of David Lynch, whom he considers totally as a genius.. The way of doing his films puzzled the actor, who confessed to having seen three or four times the same film to go to the bottom and to the essence. Who is also his passion is the singer Björk, Once, he was so nervous about being close to her that he could barely speak.

9 The fear
The fear

If you want to beat Kit Harington, you have to ignore three things: spiders, injections and theft. The actor is not very friendly with arachnid beings, which disgusts him a lot. Injections usually affect him, although over time he has tolerated them a little. What he does not forgive is the fact of flying. The actor himself admitted that he took the habit of drinking alcohol during the flight because he could not do it. Paradoxically, the father of the interpreter has his own plane and always invites him to fly with him, which the actor does not hesitate to answer: "No".

10 Anti-twitter

"I'm not a Twitter", the actor is so clear before the question of whether he has an account in the popular social network. The performer has always been reluctant to join this network. Many actors, like him, share this thought. Harington explained that he did not want to use his free time to advertise and worry about his public imagesince he thinks he will devote enough professional time to it. In addition, he fears the impact of this type of communication platform on society.

11 First time
First time

Although we got used to seeing the actor with long hair, especially since it was stipulated as such by contract with the HBO series, In reality, Kit Harington has always had short hair before becoming Jon Snow.. His new look was born from a requirement of the script, which allowed him to be able to experiment with his image. He also had to change his accent, since the producer demanded that all children, in fiction, from the actor Sean Bean they should have bean accent. He quickly learned to be the perfect Jon Snow.

12 Problems with Jon Nieve
Problems with Jon Nieve

During the third season, the actor injured himself by mounting his own window leaving the house without keys, which forced him to wear a molded leg. This annoyance caused that he had some problems to interpret the character of the series. The wardrobe was arranged so that it rose from the waist, leaving the plaster boot in the air. In addition, he also ordered a double for scenes where he had to walk but curiously, they had to show him the way Jon Snow was walking. Harington Kit inadvertently created a specific walking mode for the character. Fortunately, he recovered for the other seasons.

13 Naked and crazy
Naked and crazy

L & # 39; actor likes to be able to undress freely and without taboos and the fault is: 'Game of thrones'. The reason is that the actor is used to walking naked on the set: "I think it's something like … you take off your tunic and you're naked. A hundred people saw you and after 30 seconds, they saw you all.. I am happy to be able to feel good after all ". Therefore, risky scenes are not a big problem for the British actor.

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